Vuse Refund Policy on Vape NZ products | Vuse NZ
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Our Refund Policy

1. When did we last update our Refund Policy?
November 2021

2. About our Refund Policy
This refund policy (our Refund Policy) outlines how, and when, BAT (New Zealand) Limited (BATNZ, we, our, or us) will provide you with a refund if you receive a damaged, defective, or the wrong product. We provide this because:

(a) we are sure that you will love your Vuse products; and
(b) we believe that you should have confidence in your vaping experience.

3. How can you contact us?
If you have any questions about our products or our Refund Policy, or you would like to make a claim under our Refund Policy, you can contact us by:

(a) writing to us at: BAT (New Zealand) Limited, P.O. Box 2618, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
(b) emailing us at: 
(c) calling us on: 0800 897 369 (if you are calling from within New Zealand)

4. What is covered by our Refund Policy?
4.1. Our Refund Policy:

(a) covers damaged or defective products;
(b) delivery of the wrong product; and
(c) is in addition to, and does not limit, any additional rights you may have under consumer law, including the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993.

4.2. You should refer to our:

(a) Satisfaction Guarantee if you have purchased a Vuse device or Vuse e Liquid from either or, tried that Vuse device or Vuse e Liquid for fourteen (14) days, and decided that you are not 100% satisfied with it; or
(b) Warranty if your device or charger has stopped working properly, even if that is as a result of accidental damage.

5. What conditions apply to our Refund Policy?
5.1. To be covered by our Refund Policy:

(a) your Vuse products must have been purchased in New Zealand or from either; and
(b) your Vuse product(s)be damaged or defective product; or
(c) you must have received the wrong Vuse product(s).

5.2.Our Refund Policy does not apply to commercial customers or businesses, including retailers and wholesalers.

6. How do you make a Refund Policy claim?
Please contact us if you receive a damaged or defective product or the wrong product and would like to make a claim under our Refund Policy.

7. What information will you be asked to provide?
7.1. When you contact us, you will need to give us:

(a) a description of the issue;
(b) details on when and where you purchased your damaged or defective product.

7.2. Once we get this information, we:

(a) may ask you to return the product to us in its original packaging (we will let you know how to do this free of charge); and
(b) reserve the right to inspect the product to determine whether we consider our Refund Policy applies.

7.3. We will not be liable for any products that you return to us that we never receive or that are delayed or damaged in transit.

8. What will we do once we have received this information and, if applicable, assessed your product?
Once we have received and have assessed your product, if we agree that the product you have received is covered by our Refund Policy, we will either replace the product or provide you with a refund