11 Tips for Quitting Smoking – Vuse NZ
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11 Tips for Quitting Smoking

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Quitting smoking isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible either. There’s no one right way to quit smoking. What works for you might not work for someone else. If you’re thinking that now’s the time to finally break the habit, here are a few quit smoking tips to help you get started.

Vuse NZ - 11 Tips for Quitting Smoking

1. Make a plan

If you’ve decided to quit smoking, the first thing you need to do is make a plan. Set a date that you’re going to quit, circle it in your calendar, and make a strong personal commitment to quit on that day.

 Pick a date that’s not too far away, but not too soon either. This will give you time to mentally and physically prepare. You may want to pick a date that has some significance to it, like a birthday or anniversary.

Make a plan

2. Time it right

Choosing the right time to quit smoking is important.  Trying to quit during a difficult or stressful time in your life is likely to make the process more challenging. So, take a look at your calendar and if you have any big commitments coming up, avoid trying to quit over that time. Make a plan to quit when you’re least likely to be experiencing any additional stress and set yourself up to succeed.

3. Get support from family and friends

When you’re quitting smoking, having the right support system around you is key. Let your friends and family know that you’ve made the decision to quit and ask them for support.

If some of your friends or family still smoke, let them know what they can do to help you quit. It could be something as simple as not offering you cigarettes anymore or agreeing on smoke free areas (like in your home, on the deck or in your car). These little things can seem inconsequential, but could really help you on your smoke free journey.

Get support from family and friends

4. Get someone else on board 

Quitting smoking with a family member or friend can help keep you motivated. You could also look at working with a Quit Coach; a free service where you can enlist a coach to help support you on your journey to quit smoking. They’re free, qualified, and can provide you with the additional support and encouragement you’ll need as you start the quitting process.

5. Avoid triggering situations

Simple situations may trigger the desire for a cigarette. These triggers could be taking a break at work, having a coffee or going to a social gathering. Acknowledging what these triggers are for you and then avoiding them, or replacing them with something positive, could help you form new healthier habits.

6. Find another way to relax

If smoking is a way you deal with stress, then putting other measures in place to help you relax could be helpful.  Try to find some other ways to wind down, like going for a walk or getting some exercise. Or if exercise doesn’t help you unwind, try making yourself a hot drink and finding a cosy place to get some peace and quiet.

7. Try a nicotine alternative

Vaping to quit smoking could be a good option if you’ve tried other ways to quit that haven’t been successful. A recent study suggested that vape pens and e cigarettes are more effective than NRT (the use of nicotine gum, patches or lozenges) in stopping smoking when administered by a community pharmacy.[1]

In another study, it was also shown that vaping is more effective than NRT in smoking cessation when both are accompanied by behavioural support.[2]

To help you switch from smoking to vaping, you could try our Ready to Vape Kits. Our vape kits come with a Vuse Go Reload vape pen, one e Liquid pod, and a USB-C charger cable. Simply pop an e Liquid pod into the device, press the button five times to activate the device then take a puff.

Vaping products, while addictive and not risk free, allow consumers to use nicotine with a reduced exposure to toxicants compared to continued cigarette smoking. If you are worried about the effects of smoking on your health, the best option is to quit smoking altogether. If you don’t smoke, don’t start smoking.

8. Remind yourself of the benefits

Why you’re choosing to quit smoking is deeply personal to you. Reminding yourself of the reasons why you are quitting can help you stay motivated. Some of these reasons might be sparing your loved ones from second-hand smoke, getting healthier and saving money.

9. Distract yourself when you get cravings

When you're craving a cigarette the 4Ds are a useful way to distract yourself.

Delay - Delay acting on the urge to smoke by keeping yourself busy. Keep doing this until you don’t feel the need to smoke anymore.

Deep breaths - Take a moment to take some deep breaths. Breath in and out slowly, until the urge to smoke has passed.

Drink water - Pour yourself a glass of water and drink it slowly.

Do something else - Distract yourself by doing something else. Get outdoors for some fresh air or call a friend.

Distract yourself when you get cravings

10. Create your own healthy reward

Every time you think about reaching for a cigarette, but choose not to smoke, it’s a moment worth celebrating. Remember, each time you avoid having a cigarette, you’re one step closer to becoming smoke free. Create your own healthy reward for when you reach a smoke free milestone. It could be something as simple as going out for dinner or a movie. Having that extra bit of motivation could really help.

11. Be kind to yourself

One of the most important things to remember is to be kind to yourself. Every attempt to quit smoking is a good attempt. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t succeed the first time. Instead, take a deep breath, remind yourself why you want to quit, and try again.

Learn more about how vaping could help you quit smoking

Making the switch to vaping first could help you get smoke free faster. Visit the Vuse Vaping Hub to learn more about how vaping can help you to quit smoking. Or if you’re ready to make the switch, choose the best vape to quit smoking with our vape kits.



(1) Cox, Dawkins, Doshi, and Cameron: Effects of e cigarettes versus nicotine replacement therapy on short-term smoking abstinence when delivered at a community pharmacy, Addictive Behaviors Reports, December 2019. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6626064/

(2) Hajek, Phillips-Waller, Przulji, Pesola, Myers Smith, Bisal, Li, Phil, Parrott, Sasieni, Dawkins, Ross, Goniewicz, Wu and McRobbie: A Randomized Trial of e cigarettes versus Nicotine-Replacement Therapy, The New England Journal of Medicine, February 2019. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30699054/